Thursday, October 25, 2018

Senior Portfolio Fall Week 8

Senior Portfolio Post 8

This week brought a couple of hiccups for my workflow.  A couple major setbacks with my computer had prevented me from getting much work done for a majority of the week.  However, a couple of fixes have at least allowed me to do a little tweaking.  As a result, I have only done a few edits to the previous few weeks' animation of Lego characters.  Luckily, I am putting this particular project to rest for now, as it has been the center of focus for a considerable amount of time now.

In the meantime, I put what time I had with Maya (while in class) to work on corresponding class work.  In this case character animation.  Starting off a new scene, I set up a few potential scenes without reference to go with different dialogue pieces.  Here are a few screen captures.  While not a main contribution meant for Senior Portfolio, this project will run alongside and I may or may not post updates in posts as well.

Next week, I will begin work on new animations.  I am not sure what exactly, but I do have a list of potential short term and long term projects to try.

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