Senior Portfolio
Previous Works
My name is Nicholas Ng, and for this semester of CAGD 493 - Senior Portfolio I will be exploring and experimenting 3D computer animation. My main focus for these next few months will be practicing and expanding my knowledge of animation concepts, new and old. The first and primary range of animation involves LEGO models, figures, and other related assets. The style of animation I aim to achieve with these is akin to projects such as stop-motion, LEGO video games, and the cinematic LEGO movies from the past few years. The second, supplemental range of animations I want to play with are basic movements and game-type short animations. For this I will be practicing and hopefully improving my skills with the basics of animation. Overall, this will provide a nice balance between animation styles, and I can switch over if one area becomes too stressful or uninspired. For the models and rigs I am using, the LEGO models are semi-custom and based upon real-life bricks and pieces. For the other animations, I will mainly be using rigs from the BodyMech rig pack, such as the Jack and Herc rigs. This semester, my goal is to improve my knowledge and understanding of computer animation, as well as learn where I am most comfortable putting my skills to use.
Previous Works
A box weight lift
Quick Game Animation Compilation
Scenes from Group Animation Projects
My aim for this semester is to explore and improve upon skills I have developed and feel comfortable doing more of.
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