Thursday, October 11, 2018

Senior Portfolio Fall Week 6

Senior Portfolio Post 6

This week, I made progress on the previous weeks' project featuring two Lego characters fighting. I have continued to spline and cushion the movements throughout the scene.  Specific impacts and non-impacts between the characters have been a bit of a challenge conveying to the camera, but suggestions from the past critique have helped.  The camera itself has been shifted around ever so slightly to find the best angle of viewing the animation.  More work is also being done to create a definitive beginning and end to the scene.  So far, the scene is open to have more actions added in, but whether or not such will happen depends on how the initial animation reads.

I have also done a quick test to see how the scene works while animated on twos.  There is not much of a difference, and overall it seems choppy without some tweaks.  I may play around with this idea in future incarnations to get closer to a more stylized movie.

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