Thursday, February 7, 2019

Senior Portfolio Spring Week 2.5

Senior Portfolio Post 2.5

This week I have worked on a couple of animations focused on testing some of the character rigs I put together previously.  The first animation is a simple walk-type cycle with simple joint articulation.  The second tests out a model with more joints to play with.  It is also a walk cycle, but with joint systems and movements closer to humanoid skeletons.

For the first animation, the inspiration was working with the character as floating around with less gravity.  This is more of a moonwalk type cycle, exploring realistic movements.  Since this was a fairly new experience with these types of characters, it was interesting to find the differences in animation workflow.  Some aspects were much easier to pinpoint and alter for the overall animation.  The changes to come will certainly come easier and faster going forward.

The second animation will take some time to finesse, and will likely be a learning experience for future projects with bigger and better models.  This animation uses a robotic mech that has a fairly good range of movement, but proved tricky to become acquainted with.  The first thing I worked on was the legs and feet.  Once I got a decent idea of how they would work, other moving parts fell in line as far as adding weight.  I want to do some more research and reference for these types of models in the weeks to come.

In addition to the main portfolio animations, I have also blocked out and somewhat splined some animations for Advanced Production.  These are practice game animations meant for NPCs.  While the official models are not finished yet, these concepts will be helpful for when the time comes.  These animations will be based around a common personality, this one in particular being "nervous." There are three animation I worked on, them being a walk cycle, a standing idle, and a sitting idle.  All of these use the BodyMech Jack rig.

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