Thursday, February 14, 2019

Advanced Production Progress Post 1

Advanced Production Progress Post 1

As an animator for the project known as My Little Tavern Shop, my work will be based around creating the non-playable character movements, as well as rigging characters where necessary.  For the first weeks, and first sprint,  I was tasked with blocking out the basic movements for multiple different personalities.  Another task was reviewing the rigging lessons, and applying them to teh custom characters being created for the project.  With a variety of characters utilizing the same types of forms, the key is to establish a unique set of movements that both correspond with each other, as well as fall in line with the overall feel of the project.  For each personality, the base animations we picked as a team were: walking, standing idle, sitting idle, sitting down, standing up, drinking, and more what may factor in at a later time.

To start off, I began working with the personality type: Nervous.  I blocked out the scenes, and proceeded to smooth them out and finesse where I could.  As the custom character rigs we will use for the final product were not quite ready, I used the Jack rig from the Bodymech rig pack as a substitute and practice.

The following personality types I am ans will be working on are the Happy and Angry personalities.  With the base of the new rig now at our disposal, blocking out and examples for animations will be using such, until finalization.  So far, blocking out has begun on the Happy personality animations.  Not many issues have arisen since work has begun, aside from simply getting used to the controls for the new rig.

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