Thursday, November 29, 2018

Senior Portfolio Fall Week 11

Senior Portfolio Post 11

For this week I have a new set of test projects that cater more towards my plans for the next semester of portfolio work.  I have imported new objects and characters to test out in animations.  There are a couple of mechs I am only using for very simple movements.  I may further explore the capabilities later down the line.  A lot of the projects to come in the following weeks will be much shorter than previous animations because they will eventually be strung  together as a series in the future.  For now, each scene will be separate.

For this week, I have begun exploring other Lego builds beyond the standard characters.  Now I am experimenting with actual builds such as vehicles and creatures.  First off is a mechanical robot suit.  I have gone through demonstrating the most basic points of movement.  This is a build with minimal moving parts for the most part as a bridge between characters and larger builds.  I am considering creating more animations with builds of similar type.  Another future project spinning off of this one combined with previous projects is animating from a first person point of view.  I think that this is a good starting point and I am quickly realizing the capabilities of not just this project, but others I have planned for the next few weeks.

Uplink Mech Test

First Person POV Test

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