Thursday, December 6, 2018

Senior Portfolio Fall Week 12

Senior Portfolio Post 12

For this week I have done another experimental project. I have started a new project going back to working with the individual character.  This animation features a "suit up" of the character.  The animation features two models, but one is simply pieces replacing another.  I think using the tricks learned previously to play to the camera come in handy the most for these types of situations.  This is also another project that will hopefully give me a better understanding as I branch out into more advanced models later on.  This animation in particular took longer to prepare due to keeping track of two models at once.  For now, the pieces simple appear and disappear simultaneously in order to insinuate a switching of sorts.  Further down the line of progression, this will change into separate pieces flying in and replacing one another, with more movement to show force and weight.

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