Senior Portfolio Post 10
This week, I have moved forward with the two previous projects. I have applied the suggested changes from the last critique, and have further progressed in smoothing out each scene.
The wall flip scene has been further smoothed out in animation, and the timing has been altered for better reading. Of the two animation projects, this one has had more work emphasis on the smaller details. Things like the distance from the wall during the jump, and the impact of landing were taken into account from critiques. The main character is becoming more and more spontaneous in actions, never staying in one position or another for too long.
The dive scene has seen significant change with splining and holds on animation. Now, the Lego character moves more fluid, and depending on which segment, they move faster or slower in accordance to the dive motion referenced. One aspect I am focused on making read clearly to the audience is the flip in mid-air. In order to show dynamic movement while also maintaining realistic physics, there are a few frames of animation where the character speeds up or slows in order to emphasize the motions. This hopefully does not detract from neither the realism or simplicity of the project overall. With that said, I may proceed to make multiple variations of this scene practicing other dive motions in the future, depending on how this one turns out.
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