Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Advanced Production Progress Post 4

Advanced Production Progress Post 4

With the character animations finished for the Happy personality, all was set for exporting and importing into Unity.  Once in Unity, an animation controller could be established which could be passed on to the programmers.  Syncing up with the official rig and ultimately being put into the final game would be the next step.  For my work, I have moved on to the next personality set.  Now I am focusing on finalizing animations for the Nervous personality.  So far, things are going well.  With the hiccups encountered over the past few sprints, things are now evened out for the most part.

There are a few complications concerning the crossover into Unity, and the consistency of models and animation information between personalities done by different people.  At first, it was orientation of joints and skeletons, which was fixed fairly well.  Now, however, the main problem is scaling of the imported animations.  Some personalities vary in smaller size, and the problem is not so clear.

The overall process for animators should go much smoother and faster now that we've gone through the process once before.  Once done and approved, the Nervous animations will go the same route into Unity and so on.








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