Senior Portfolio Post 12
This week, I had more time to work on the new action figure rig, as well as time to test it out. So far, there is basic movement for the proper point of articulation. I have had a less official version that was cobbled together for older projects to compare. Now with new skills in rigging, I am making this version as clean as I can. It will not be perfect, but for the most part things are already less complicated than before. In addition to the main controls, I am planning to implement custom features for various components that are included in the base model. The model, by the way, is based upon another Lego model. As such, my knowledge on how the components should work is pretty well-rounded.
Among the main and complimentary features are:
- Inverse kinematics feet (which I had limited knowledge of before)
-locators for posing leg orientation
- Forward kinematics arms (Ik will be implemented later)
-Proper controllers and joints (linked with proper constraints)
- Head and main body rotation (limited by the model, but functions as it should)
- Add-on accessories and corresponding layers (transferred over from previous version, now easier to understand)
-Driven keys for back blades
As a first test of this new rig, I have created a basic run cycle, as well as a dynamic movement test. These will certainly be developed further as both the rig and my understanding of the rig will progress in the coming weeks.