Thursday, March 14, 2019

Senior Portfolio Spring Week 7

Senior Portfolio Post 7

For my work this week, I decided to continue on with the brick build animation.  Expanding into the full project, I am not currently grouping and individually animating pieces as they appear, move and scale to their proper alignments.  Overall, the process is not too complicated, but more time consuming and repetitive.  I have made most progress on the beginning and ending.  I may take a break for the following weeks to avoid burnout and come back to this for further progress later.  If not, I want to keep going on this brick build until finished in some capacity.

I had to redo my previous test animation from last week.  However, I was able to get a better understanding of the process I was aiming for, so recreating the project was faster and better thought out this time.  With the end position established beforehand, it was easier to know where to aim with translation coordinates.

I also began work on the tail end of the project, where the brick-built signage does a final spin and hop to show the overall build for the camera.  This segment was also not particularly tough to make, but was time consuming to divide up and streamline across each build.  In addition, the many moving parts did cause some lag for my computer.

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