Friday, June 4, 2021

Animation Project: Body Mechanics - Part 3


 Animation Project - Body Mechanics

Part 3 - Spline and Timing

June 2021

I have taken the next step in developing this animation by moving into spline. Going through the same segments outlined before, I checked to see how well the animated sequence held up with streamlined in-betweens. Overall, it was fairly in tune with the source reference, but in need of some significant improvements for fluidity and time syncing. This process took about 24 hours of on-and-off work to move from the last progress point to here.

This part of the animation process was particularly difficult because not everything translated as expected going from key poses to full spline animation. Some poses needed to be redone in order to maintain the proper motions that preceded or followed. Additionally, certain poses needed holds so they could last longer, like the source material. I made the mistake of separating out keys among different joints before this, and had to double back and re-sync. I made sure not to worry too much about getting the exact frame-for-frame replica. That leaves room for improvement and exaggeration on my part for a better and more unique animation.

Next up will be further refinement, and implementation of hand/finger joint motions finally.






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