Friday, March 9, 2018

CAGD 330 Sci-Fi Crate Development Week 4

CAGD 330 Sci-Fi Crate Development 
Week 4

For the next step in this project, the objective is creating a low polygon version of the crate model.  Now that everything is together, the shapes can be simplified.  I chose to replicate and simplify by way of quad draw, which for the most part worked out well.  It was a bit of a challenge determining what to leave for the UV and what to re-model.  I ended up merging every panel and modeled out as a whole into a quarter to later mirror and map out for UVs.  There is the base model, as well as separate pieces for inner panels, and the notch indentations.  All have been simplified, hopefully enough to properly match the high polygon version.  Eventually, I will go back to redo and fix both the high poly and low poly models.  Now, the next step is making sure things line up, and applying textures.

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