Wednesday, April 25, 2018

CAGD 545 Animated Short Week 13-16 + Final

CAGD 545 Animated Short 
Rough Llama
Apr 20-May 18

Week 13-14
These weeks were the beginning of the end for this project.  With the animatic on the way to completion, with scenes being updated constsntly, there is a lot to do in order to finish by the semester's end.  The first week was the week of presentations, so there was a lot of feedback on what to do going forward into the final stretch.  There was a  lot of animation to polish from blocked out shots, and some scenes that need to be reformed, swapped around, or cut out.  For me personally, the goal was splining the animation I have already, and applying the notes and comments about timespan and focus.  It seems like everyone is on track to bring it all together nicely.  Another new task is converting from Maya 2017 to 2018, in order to keep the look of the project consistent throughout everyone's work.

Week 15-16

With these final weeks before the end of semester, all work is going towards polishing and completing scenes.  The animatic is nearing completion, with all scenes input and being critiqued for final submission.  So far, I am going through each scene in order to update and better spline the animation as I go.  New objects and environments are being updated, and lighting as well.  All of this is being referenced and re-referenced in order to create the finished product.  Things are looking much better and consistent overall.
The last week was dedicated to cleaning up and perfecting the designated scenes.  The animatic is becoming more and more presentable, with the last updates making sure there is consistency and cohesiveness among the shots animated by different people.  Lighting was a big challenge, and effects every member and their work.  That was the main focus aside from polishing.

Final Product

Sunday, April 22, 2018

CAGD 330 Book Concept

CAGD 330 Book Concept

Concept references for the Book digital modeling project.

This is a pretty standard book model, which would be nice as a base to work off of.  It is simple with proper book shape.  Adding on aspects of other concepts to this model would be a good start.

This general wave pattern could be reference as is, but also could be made more organic and manipulated to be like more realistic waves on the book.  The grooves provide depth and shadows.

This is a book with a face which could be made more demonic and imposed on the book.  This could make for an interesting dynamic where only certain parts of the book are roughed up, while other things like the binding or frame are still clean and shiny.


This would be an interesting model to base parts off of, specifically the ornate side detailing.  It emphasizes components that go outside and around the book, sort of covering other details on the cover and binding.  The belt and buckle may also be an interesting aspect to include.


Leftover concepts from the Sci-Fi crate project that may be incorporated.